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La Vida Loca Women's Breakfast Club

sáb, 25 may



A Community Breakfast Gathering for Women

La Vida Loca Women's Breakfast Club
La Vida Loca Women's Breakfast Club

Horario y ubicación

25 may 2024, 10:00 – 12:00

Austin, 8902 Bluff Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78744, USA

Acerca del evento

C’mon Ladies, we’ve all navigated “This Crazy Life.”

So, let’s come together to share our stories and learn from one another! Invite a friend, because this will be a time of laughs, inspiration, encouragement, and fun! We will have several giveaways... and breakfast will be provided. This is open to everyone so please come out. RSVP via FB invite or email us at!!

Compartir este evento

Hub Connect is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Hub Connect are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Hub Connect's tax identification number is 87-2118483.

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8902 Carretera Bluff Springs

Austin, TX 78744

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apartado de correos 18713

Austin, Texas 78760

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